Everyone wants to be perfect. We’re human, and we’re conditioned towards constant improvement, progress, perfection.

We crave to attain the standards that society has set for us – and these days, it’s so easy to achieve these ideals when technology and medicine continues to raise the bar on what is possible.
Through the media’s portrayal of perfection, we’ve been taught that a symmetrical face achieves the desired standard of beauty. In fact, studies have shown that the more symmetrical the face, the more it is perceived as beautiful.
But this is odd in itself – because being symmetrical is actually just adhering to the law of being very… average.
There’s plenty of proof that asymmetry can be incredibly beautiful. Take some of the most glorified celebrities of the 20th and 21st Century. Tom Cruise and Cindy Crawford – deemed two of the “most beautiful people” in the world – are both highly asymmetrical, and incredibly attractive. When analysing the celebrities who have made a mark on the big screen, perfection and symmetry are hardly factors.
Asymmetry is one of the leading signs of relatability, character and desirability – and when it comes down to it, seems to have no impact on the perception of beauty, despite what the studies have told us.
Let’s take a closer look at this picture of Harrison Ford.

The top two pictures show Harrison Ford, naturally as he appears in real life. As you can see, his face shape is severely asymmetrical. Nothing on his face is exactly the same. Yet, he has always been deemed so handsome and appealing to audiences around the world.
The bottom left photo combines two right halves of his face. The bottom right photo combines two left halves – neither one of which really improve his looks!
Image Source: Pur Bliss Med Spa - Hemalini Thakkar M.D.
And there are many examples of our favourite superstars to prove that we need to respect innate facial asymmetry. Perfection is not about being perfect – it’s about witnessing the characteristics that make you uniquely you.
As a trusted aesthetic nurse, I am qualified to help you achieve the look that you wish for. But it is in my experience that the most beautiful people are those who radiate truth and character. We can indeed balance some of your features while keeping the subtle God-given nuances that are so unequivocally special to you!

Image Source: Unknown
Asymmetrical concerns and kind solutions
There are some legitimate reasons though, why coming to see us might be necessary to ease your mind and restore confidence. For example, ageing can cause volume to decrease in areas of your face, which might make you feel less like “you”.
Lifestyle factors, such as chewing all the time on one side, or sleeping on one side of your face, can change the shape of your face over time. Even dental work can cause obvious asymmetry.
So let’s go slow with this destination of perfection. Let’s start one thing at a time.
When it comes to chasing symmetrical concerns, it may take time to achieve the result you want, but something beautiful can come of it with the right advice and treatment.
At Sage Aesthetics we believe that a pre-treatment facial assessment is paramount to make sure that we can give you the best advice. Our safe, non-invasive treatments can have you smiling with that balance you’ve been looking for, in no time.
Our hope is to make you connect with your most beautiful self so that you feel wonderful every single day – and I’m sure that you’ll agree, that nothing can be better than an individual filled with the joy of confidence, radiating to all around them.
With love,
Maria x